This employment agreement (“Agreement”) is made and effective as of Date: …………………. by and between a business entity known as Pamir Logistic Inc having its prIncipal place of business at 2235 S 1300 W Ste D West Valley City, Utah 84119 (“Employer”) and Name: …………………………………... with Address: ………………………………………………………………………Contractor Driver.
Whereas the employer intends to hire the employee for the position of contractor driver and the employee desires to provide their services on the conditions set forth.
IN CONSIDERATION of promises and other good and valuable considerations, the parties agree to the following:
Employee Duties. The employee agrees that they will act in accordance with this agreement and to the best interests of the employer, which may or may not require them to present the best of their skills, experience, and talents to perform all the duties required of the position. In carrying out the duties and responsibilities of their position, the employee agrees to adhere to all policies, procedures, rules, and regulations as administered by the employer. In addition, the employee agrees to abide by all local, county, state, and federal laws while employed by the employer.
Responsibilities. The employee shall be given the job title of contractor driver (“position"), which shall involve:
Transporting finished goods and raw materials over land to and from manufacturing plants or retail and distribution centers. Inspecting vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and performing preventative maintenance. Planning routes and meeting delivery schedules.
The driver is responsible for keeping the truck clean all the time.
The driver is responsible for sending the clear bill of load pdf to the office after pickup and delivery.
For Owner Operator and contractor Drivers:
1. Agree will be responsible for any physical damage, and regarding claim Pamir logistics, just provide cargo and liability insurance.
2. If there is any claim, the owner will be responsible after insurance.
3. Pamir Logistic Inc Charge 10% of the load for the company fee; there will be IFTA, prepays, and ELD charges the owner must pay.
4. Agree to provide the correct document in PDF after pickup and delivery of each load; if you don’t send the complete document, the owner will not pay Intel to get the correct and complete document.
5. If the customer didn’t pay for the load or charge the company for the damage to the load, the owner/driver will charge back the load.
6. Owner Operator/Driver can’t file any claim against Pamir Logistic Inc for any personal injury, equipment or property damage or others.
7. Owner operator and Contractor driver work independently 1099 contractor with Pamir Logistic Inc the responsible for work compensation or occupational insurance if or viewer if any injury happens during trip or on duty, they will be responsible for that, Pamir Logistic Inc is not responsible for any personal injury or physical damage to bobtail- Truck.
8. All loads need to pick and drop load on time, give an update on time, and send a complete document all the time. If you fail to send a document or late pickup or delivery, the owner or driver will charge for late pickup, delivery, or document.
9. No speeding or tripping while driving. If the driver gets a violation or citation for speeding or using a phone, there will be a $1000 or higher charge if someone pulls over or gets a violation for using a phone or speeding.
10. Owner operator/contractor working their own schedule working at 1099 contractor with Pamir Logistics Inc. He/she is responsible to have work comp or occupational insurance; if he/she rejects to have occupational insurance, he/she will be responsible for any injury that happens during one duty. He/she can't file a claim against Pamir Logistic Inc.
11. After the driver is involved in any claims and it's the driver’s fault, he will be responsible for that.
12. The owner operator is responsible for bobtail and bobtail physical insurance; Pamir Logistic Inc will not provide bobtail-physical damage insurance. The employer may also assign duties to the employee from time to time by the employer. The employee shall be expected to work on a full-time basis.
1- Employment Period. The employer agrees to hire the employee on an at-will basis, which means this agreement may be terminated at any time by either the employee or employer. After termination by any of the parties, neither will have any obligation, excluding severance as outlined in this section, confidentiality as listed in Section XI, and any non-compete as listed in Section XII.
a.) Employee’s Termination. The employee shall have the right to terminate this agreement by providing at least 14 days’ notice. If the employee should terminate this agreement, the employer shall not have any further obligations to the employee under this agreement.
b.) employer’s termination. The employer shall have the right to terminate this agreement by providing at least 14 days’ notice. If the employer should terminate this agreement, the employee shall be entitled to severance equal to paid leave in the amount of 2 weeks.
2- Pay. As compensation for the services provided, the employee shall be paid $0.00 salary on an annual basis (“compensation”). The compensation is a gross amount that is subject to all local, state, federal, and any other taxes and deductions as prescribed by law. Payment shall be distributed to the employee on a weekly basis.
3- Employee Benefits. During the term of this agreement, the employee shall not be eligible or entitled to any benefits other than the agreed-upon compensation. This may change at any time or if benefits become available by the employer.
4- Out-of-Pocket Expenses. The employer does not agree to reimburse the employee for expenses that may or may not be Incurred while performing the duties of their position under this agreement.
5- Trial Period. There shall be no trial period or any such period of time where the employee shall be prohibited from benefits, vacation time, personal leave, or any other leave that is paid or unpaid in this Agreement.
6- Vacation Time. After the trial period is complete, the employee is entitled to 0 days off per year, which is required to be mutually beneficial to the employer and the employee. It is required for the employee to give notice before scheduling their vacation in accordance with company policy.
-Unused Vacation. employee is an independent contractor and doesn’t have any vocation or another benefit.
7- Personal Leave. The employee shall not be entitled to any type of time off from their position in regard to personal or health-related issues. Any time-off that is requested must be approved by the employer, and if the request is approved, it may or may not be deducted from the employee's vacation time.
8- Holidays. The employee shall be required to appear only on federal holidays that are required by the employer. This is subject to change by the employer from time to time. If for any reason the employee should request a holiday off, the employer shall determine if the employee may do so and if it shall be taken from either the employee’s personal leave or vacation time. Holidays are determined by the employer and may change every calendar year.
9- Confidentiality. The employee understands and agrees to keep any and all information confidential regarding the business plans, inventions, designs, products, services, processes, trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, customer information, customer lists, prices, analytics data, costs, affairs, and any other information that could be considered proprietary to the employer (“Confidential Information”). The employee understands that disclosure of any such confidential information, either directly or indirectly, shall result in litigation with the employer, eligible for equitable relief to the furthest extent of the law, Including but not limited to, filing claims for losses and/or damages. In addition, if it is found that the employee divulged confidential information to a third (3rd) party with the employer, they shall be entitled to any and all reimbursement for their legal and attorney’s fees. After the employee has terminated their employment with the employer, the employee shall be bound to this section of the agreement for a period of 3 years.
10- non-compete. There shall be no non-compete established in this Agreement. After the termination of this agreement, the employee will be allowed to seek employment or work in the same or like industry free of liability to the employer.
11- Employee’s Role. The employee shall not have the right to act in the capacity of the employer. This Includes, but is not limited to, making written or verbal agreements with any customer, client, affiliate, vendor, or third (3rd) party. These rights may or may not change at any time in the future by the employer.
12- Appearance. The employee must appear at the employer’s desired workplace at the time scheduled. If the employee does not appear, for any reason, on more than 2 separate occasions in a 12-month calendar period, the employer has the right to terminate this agreement immediately. In such an event, the employee would not be granted severance as stated in Section III.
13- Disability. If for any reason the employee cannot perform their duties because of a physical or mental disability, the employer may terminate this agreement by giving the employee 30 days’ written notice.
14- Compliance. The employee agrees to adhere to all sections of this agreement in addition to any rules, regulations, or conduct standards of the employer, Including obeying all local and federal laws. If the employee does not adhere to this agreement and company policies, Including any task or obligation that is related to the responsibilities of their position, the employer may terminate this agreement without severance as stated in Section III.
15- Return of Property. The employee agrees to return any and all property of the employer upon the termination of employment. This Includes, but is not limited to, equipment, electronics, records, access, notes, data, tests, vehicles, reports, models, or any property that is requested by the employer.
16- Notices. All notices that are to be sent under this Agreement shall be done in writing and to be delivered via Certified Mail (return receipt) to the following mailing addresses:
Pamir Logistic Inc
2235 S 1300 W Ste D West Valley City, Utah 84119
Driver Name: …………………………………, with Address: …………………………………………….
The addresses may be changed with the act of either party providing written notice.
1- Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended under the condition that any such amendment is attached and authorized by all parties.
2- Severability. This Agreement shall remain in effect under the circumstance that a section or provision is unenforceable or invalid. All remaining sections and provisions shall be deemed legally binding unless a court rules that any such provision or section is invalid or unenforceable, thus limiting the effect of another provision or section. In such a case, the affected provision or section shall be enforced as so limited.
2- Waiver of contractual rights. If the employer or employee fails to enforce a provision or section of this agreement, it shall not be determined as a waiver or limitation. Either party shall remain the right to enforce and compel the compliance of this Agreement to its fullest extent.
3- Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed under the laws of the State of Utah.
4- Additional Terms & Conditions.
After delivery, send the pdf bill of load (BOL) or delivery receipt (POD) with the load number to your truck account group. If someone fails to send the bill, they will not get paid for that load.
When you are driving, please turn on your location for tracking so we can use it for customer updating. Not using the location app during the trip will cost $150.
Some customers will send their app for a load update; please install and turn on your locations; if not, most of the customers will charge us $500 or higher for not using their app. We will place the charge on someone who is accepting customer apps.
Check the folder, make sure all documents are valid, and check the trailer registration and
inspection to make sure they are valid. Have your dot card and license with you all the time and use a seat belt for the driver passenger all the time.
Check all lights for the trailer and bobtail; make sure they are working.
Look for dot stickers and physical damage.
Check coolant and oil levels and look for oil or coolant leaks.
Check all tires, make a pass dot, and good for driving.
Check the brakes and airplane to make sure there is no leaking.
Check logbook and do PTI, update profile (trailer#, shipping document, from to where location) before starting your trip, and sign your log after any updates. Don’t drive without a log.
Please check our all inside and outside. If someone fails at the weight station for not following this instruction, we will charge $200 for not following safety.
Keep your truck inside clean. There will be cleaning charges for not keeping trucks clean.
If a new driver gets training at Pamir Logics Inc, the training fee will be charged back if he/she works less than 6 months after training.
Report any mechanical issue or accident to safety.
Driver safe and follow speed limit for truck. The driver is responsible and will charge for any driver-fault physical damage to bobtail or trailer under the insurance limit or damages due to unsafe driving.
17. Drive safe and check your log all the time. Make sure everything is good and follow the speed limit. Try to drive under the speed limit. If someone gets a violation for speeding, the following charges will apply (1 to 5) or a speeding warning. $ 1000 for speed (6 to 10). $2000 if someone fails in log correction will change to $500 Make sure everyone agrees to this because it’s very important for your and another's safety.
18. There is a $1500 deductible for drivers if there is any accident or physical damage to the truck.
12. If the driver is involved in an accident for physical damage and finds out it was his fault, he/she will be responsible for fixing the damage.
Maintenance will be taken care of by Pamir Logistic Inc, which will charge the labor and part fee.
20. The owner operator is responsible for handling the physical damage claims, Pamir logistics Inc is not responsible.
14. If we use customer trailer, its driver/owner is responsible for dropping it empty to the shipper when pickup loads, and after returning the trailer, the trailer needs to be dropped at the customer's required spot; if we don’t return the trailer to the requested spot, there will be a $500 charge.
Detention/layover payment: a. Waiting for load pickup or delivery; the detention will start after two hours of waiting for delivery or pickup and will pay us per broker policy; if the broker didn’t for delivery or pickup, layover will not be paid. b. Waiting for load: if the driver waits for load, detention will start after 12 hours of duty time and will pay $100 per day to solo and $70 per driver in the team. for team retention time will start 4 hours later previously del or wait time.
Owner Operator is responsible for having bobtail physical damage for his/her vehicle. Pamir Logistic Inc is not providing bobtail insurance or bobtail physical damage insurance, and Pamir Logistic Inc
is not responsible for any damage to physical damage.
Owner operator is agreeing if any load was charged back or didn’t pay by customer (broker) due to any reason Pamir Logistics Inc charged back the load price from owner operator if owner operator is not work with Pamir Logistic Inc at that will still be responsible to pay back to Pamir Logistic Inc for those loads that were paid to owner operator but not paid by customer.
Bobtail Physical damage claims must be handled by the owner operator; if you ask the Pamir Logistic Inc team to handle the claim, there will be an administration charge for claim handling ($500 to $2000) depending on the claim value and duration.
Additional Responsibilities:
Annual Certification of Violations: Every driver is required, during the month of January, to complete a listing of all citations for moving violations received during the previous 12 months. This listing is compared with an actual state driving record for the previous 12 months. Please be sure to sign and date the certificate of violations and return it to the safety department as soon as possible.
Notification of Citations: Section 383.31 of the FMCSR requires each driver to notify their employer of any violations within 30 days of conviction. Failure to do so is a violation of the FMCSR.
Notification of Suspensions: Section 383.31 of the FMCSR requires you to notify your employer of any suspension of your driving privileges for any reason. You are required to do this before the end of the business day, the day after you receive the notice.
Physical Examinations: Every driver is required to pass a DOT physical test prior to being qualified or prior to the expiration of the current physical condition in the case of a current driver. These examinations must comply with 391.41 and be completed by an approved company physician. Although the company will notify you thirty days in advance of an expiring physical, it is your responsibility to ensure its renewal prior to its expiration. A driver cannot operate any equipment without a current medical certification.
· HazMat Re-Certification: If you have a HazMat endorsement on your CDL, you must be re-trained every three years. If you are not sure when your certification expires, check with the safety department. The safety team will not only know your expiration, but they will set you up for the training required for re-certification. There are new security regulations coming for HazMat. renewals, and it may take as much as 3 months to complete. Please check with the safety department.
CDL Renewal: It is the responsibility of the driver to renew his/her CDL prior to its expiration. Although the company will notify you thirty days in advance of an expiring CDL, it is your responsibility to make certain it is renewed prior to its expiration. Remember, many states now. Require a copy of your current physical in order to keep your CDL valid.
Daily Record of Duty Status: It is the responsibility of every driver to turn in his/her logs with other required company paperwork. All logs must correspond with the paperwork being turned in and may be verified for date and time accuracy.
Roadside Inspections: Every driver is required to send a copy of every inspection to the safety department within 24 hours of receipt. Any equipment-related defects must be corrected and signed by a certified mechanic. You must log these inspections on line 4 (on duty, not driving) from the
time the inspection starts until you are released. Failure to do so could be considered a false log. And treated as such.
Accident Reporting: All accidents, regardless of how minor, should be reported immediately to the company. Review the accident section of this manual for what you should and should not do at the scene of an accident.
Injury Reporting: All injuries, regardless of how minor, should be reported immediately to the safety department. Review the injury section of this handbook for ways to avoid injuries. Daily Vehicle Inspection Report: Drivers are required to complete pre-trip and post-trip inspections. For each trip.
2: Communication
Our customers depend on each driver to perform their load assignment, as scheduled, every day. We understand that issues arise, both in and out of our control. Therefore, communication is just as important as the load assignment itself. Things happen, and customers can understand that. They cannot, however, understand not being notified when these things affect their service. So, if anything happens that will affect your load assignment, you must communicate with Dispatch. When speaking with dispatch, you must get the name of the person with whom you spoke to. We have Included examples below that require a call to dispatch; however, the Reasons to call dispatch are not limited to the things in this list:
Late Arrivals
Late Departures
Being held by the supplier or plant
Weather and/or Traffic Delays
OS&D (Overage, Shortage & Damage)
Refused Freight
No Freight to Pick Up
3: Behavior & Dress Code:
We expect all employees to carry themselves in a polite and professional manner at all times. We Understand that you will encounter people in bad moods that will antagonize you or are simply just not friendly people. We do not expect or want you to replicate or react to their behavior. It is uncomfortable, we know. No one wants to be treated badly for any reason. We must act and react in professional manner, regardless. Do not let their bad day become your bad day. If you need assistance or find yourself in an unsafe environment, please contact Dispatch immediately. Drivers are to keep their personal dress, grooming, hygiene, and attitudes at a professional level that represents Pamir Logistic Inc in a positive manner to the public and customers. The driver dress code is as follows:
Clothes will be kept neat and clean.
Hair will be kept neat, clean, and pulled back if long.
Beards will be clean and neatly trimmed.
Clothing should not display inappropriate language or graphics.
Any jewelry that could present a safety hazard, such as long necklaces or loose jewelry that could be caught on things, should not be worn. While at shipping docks, you should wear hard, rubber-soled shoes. Flip-flop sandals are not permitted to be worn while driving.
4: Truck Assignment:
Your truck will be assigned at the end of orientation. Trucks are required to be always parked at the terminal. Permission must be given and documented before taking a truck home. Unauthorized use of company equipment will result in disciplinary action. If your truck is out of service, you are expected to use a loaner or rental until your truck is back in service. Most rental units are manual transmissions, so be prepared to drive one if needed. Company equipment (truck) must be returned to the company terminal all the time when going on vacation or leaving the company. If you fail to return the truck to the company terminal, there will be a $1500 fee every week.
Every tractor should contain the following items and be verified during your pre-trip:
Permit Book (the safety department can verify your book for current permits, registration, and other documentation)
Current Annual DOT Inspection
Pre-Pass Transponder (if missing, check with Safety)
Fire extinguisher (with full charge) secured in truck.
Functional Omnitracs Unit (Maintenance)
DOT Regulation Handbook (Safety)
Hazmat Regulation Handbook (Safety)
Emergency Response Handbook (Safety)
Reflective Triangles (Maintenance)
DOT Quick Reference Card (Safety)
Blank Logbook (Safety)
5: Load Assignments:
All loads are assigned to drivers or owner operator by Pamir Logistic Inc dispatch team. If you need information about your load or need a load, you may speak with a dispatch team or update team. Proper trip planning is required. All appointment Must be on time for pickup and delivery. One-way freight will require a backhaul out of the area you deliver to so we can get you home. It is always the responsibility of the driver
to contact Dispatch if they have landed for a delivery without their next load assignment. Never come back empty without supervisory approval, or you will. Not be paid the miles and will likely be charged for the fuel. In some cases, you may be required to layover for your next load assignment. In these instances, you may qualify for layover pay. If you have any questions or issues, please communicate them to your assigned manager.
6: In Cab Technology:
All drivers are required to use the in-cab technology unit to complete their load assignments. Hours of Service requirements, DVIR's, and any other requirements that are detailed during orientation and/or training. All must use the company-provided table for ELD.
7: Paperwork:
Bills of lading, check sheets, etc. are the shipping documents that we must have in order to be paid for. The work we do. Therefore, we must adhere to the items below to ensure the shipping documents are managed correctly and send it to your assigned group. All shipping documents must be signed and dated by the receiver; this serves as proof of delivery.
If you cannot physically watch the trailer, be loaded, and make sure to sign the bills SLC (shipper load & count). Doing so relieves Pamir Logistic Inc of any liability for freight issues.
To be eligible for detention pay, arrival and departure times must be written, or time stamped by the customer on the shipping documents, and you must notify Dispatch when detention starts and ends.
Please follow up with your Route Manager/Driver Manager to verify that your detention pay was approved.
You must make sure that all paperwork is turned into Document Control when you return to your home terminal.
For any load that does not end at Pamir Logistic Inc, all paperwork must be sent in through App and group. You can download the app to do this from your smart phone.
You should get a copy of all receipts you are turning in for company-related expenses. Failure to Send all pages of the bill of load and POD after every load delivery to the accounting group or by app.
If drivers don’t send documents correctly, they will not be paid for that trip intel they document send correctly.
8: Pre-Trip Inspections:
Pre- and post-trip inspections are required to be completed at the beginning and end of each trip. If you lose sight of your truck and trailer at any time, you must complete another inspection.
· Driver must check the trailer # and the seal # on the Bill of Lading to verify they match prior to Ensure all freight is secure prior to departure. Use load straps or bars if necessary. If the trailer is
· Any issue discovered on the truck or trailer must be reported to both maintenance and dispatch as soon as possible.
· 1. Tire Inspection
· 2. Lights and Reflectors Check
· 3. Brake Examination
· 4. Engine Inspection
· 5. Fuel Tank and Battery Check
· 6. Fluid Inspection
· 7. Windshield
· 8. Emergency Kit
· 9. Mirrors with Swivel Mounts
· 10. Coupling System Assessment
· 11. Cabin Inspection Temperature
· 12. Trailer Examination
· 13. Back of the Truck Inspection
9: Scaling Loads
When departing from a terminal or shipper, you must scale your load at a certified scale as soon as you Can. Pamir Logistic Inc covers the cost at all certified scales but will not take responsibility for any overweight tickets. If you are not going to deliver the load that you scaled, please provide a copy of the scale ticket. When returning your paperwork to Document Control for the next driver to reference.
10: Trailer Parking:
Follow your specific terminal yard procedure.
All empty trailers must be dropped at the Pamir Logistic Inc yard.
All customer-empty trailers must be dropped at the customer-requested location after return.
All reefers’ units must be fueled and set to the proper temperature requirement.
If we are using a customer trailer for their loads, the trailer will be used for one load back haul to the original destination. The empty trailer must be dropped at its original destination.
11: Truck Parking:
Follow your specific terminal yard procedure. All trucks must be parked at the designated location. Approval must be given and documented for domicile parking.
12: Fueling:
All drivers are required to fuel at approved network locations.
Com checks can be issued for fuel in emergency situations.
13: Detention & Layover:
If you experience a delay, through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for detention or layover. pay. Detention is typically paid for delays at pickup or delivery. Layover is paid for having to wait for 24 hours, not Including your home terminal, for your next load. Teams qualify for layover after the first 12 hours and then every 24 hours afterward. To qualify for detention, you must have arrived on time at your stop. Late arrivals will not qualify for detention. Requests for layover and detention pay are to be made to your driver manager or route manager within 24 hours of the occurrence.
14: Safety Requirements:
Several of our customers have specific safety requirements (such as closed-toe shoes, high visibility). clothing or wearing long pants). You should be notified ahead of time and expect to comply with these requirements.
At Pamir Logistic Inc, everyone is expected to wear high-visibility clothing when outside.
A good plan of action is to prepare a bag with pants, a long-sleeve shirt, a high-visibility vest, and if you take prescribed medication, you should always carry it with you in case of unexpected delays.
Report all injuries and accidents within 8 hours Including driver statement, police report, damage pictures, date and time and location.
Always drive under the speed limit, there is minimum $500 charge for speeding.
All Pamir Logistic Inc vehicles are locked at 70 mph; drivers must follow the speed limit all the time. driver will be charged for speeding the first time; the second time will be termination.
15: Payroll & Benefits
All drivers will have an assigned payroll specialist. You will receive a check every week. Each driver will receive a settlement for the previous week’s work. Our team makes every effort to ensure you are paid correctly, but it is your responsibility to review the settlement for accuracy. Any corrections to your Pay must be reported by 6:00 AM on Monday after you receive your settlement to allow your payroll. Specialist to get this corrected before the check is issued. Failure to do so could result in the correction being added to the following paycheck. The facilitator for your orientation will go over the specific details of our current benefit programs and when you are eligible for each of them. We are constantly evaluating our benefits and programs to Make sure we are offering the best programs for the lowest cost. The Human Resources department is available to answer any questions you may have about specific benefits.
16: Discipline:
Pamir Logistic Inc has a progressive discipline policy to ensure offenders are handled appropriately. Examples of actions requiring discipline are listed, but not limited to, the actions below.
Excessive excused absences
Unexcused absences
No call, no show
Failure to depart on time.
Refusal to run within available hours.
Customer complaints
Rude or disrespectful behavior toward Pamir Logistic Inc employees
Miscellaneous disciplinary performance
Driver must check cdl all the time; it must be active.
DOT medical card must be updated all the time.
17: Workplace Violence:
Pamir Logistic Inc strongly believes that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect. Acts or threats of violence will not be tolerated; this Includes any conduct that threatens, intimidates, harms, or coerces another employee, a customer, a vendor, or a member of the public while on the job. You are expected to refrain from conduct that may be dangerous to others, such as fighting, taunting, and “horseplay” while on the job. You are not allowed to carry firearms, weapons, or other dangerous devices or substances, or to use an instrument or device as a weapon, while on the job, except as may otherwise be provided by law.
All threats or acts of violence, direct or indirect, must be reported to the employee’s supervisor and/or the Human Resources and Safety Departments immediately. Do not place yourself in danger; if you see or hear a commotion or disturbance, do not interfere; alert the appropriate individuals, Including law enforcement, if deemed necessary. All complaints will be fully investigated, and the company will promptly respond to any Incident or suggestion of violence. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, the company may suspend employees, either with or without pay as appropriate, pending
investigation. Anyone determined to be in violation of this policy will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and Including discharge. If the circumstances warrant, the employee may also be reported to the proper law enforcement officials.
Pamir Logistic Inc encourages employees to bring disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of their supervisor or Human Resources before the situation can escalate into potential violence.
The company will assist in the resolution of disputes without disciplining employees for raising their concern. For purposes of this policy, “on the job” refers to inside the facilities and offices, in the parking lots, or in the immediate vicinity of our facilities. It also means away from the premises if the individual is on business or acting on a business-related matter. Violation of this policy will lead to immediate disciplinary action, up to and Including termination.
18: Weapons Policy:
It is Pamir Logistic Inc policy to maintain a safe work environment. Therefore, the company prohibits wearing, transporting, storage, presence, or use of dangerous weapons on company property, regardless of whether the person is licensed to carry the weapon, except as otherwise provided by state and/or federal law. Property covered by this policy Includes company-owned or leased buildings and company-owned or leased vehicles. Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and Including termination. A client or visitor who violates this policy will be removed from the property and reported to
police if deemed necessary. This policy does not apply to law enforcement personnel, security personnel, or employees specifically authorized, in writing, by the company’s president while engaging in official duties.
Weapons Include, but are not limited to, handguns, firearms, explosives, knives, and other weapons further defined by state statute or local ordinance. If employees have a question as to whether an item is covered under this policy, they should contact Human Resources. Employees have the responsibility to ensure that any item in their possession is not prohibited by this policy. The company reserves the right at any time and for reasonable cause to search all company-owned or leased vehicles and all packages, containers, purses, lockers, desks, and people entering the company
property, for the purpose of determining whether any dangerous weapon has been brought onto the
premises. Violations of this policy, Including refusing to promptly permit a search under this policy, will be subject to discipline, up to and Including termination.
19: Miscellaneous:
While Pamir Logistic Inc makes every effort to provide a safe working environment, they are not liable for lost or stolen items on company property.
Always keep come checks, DOT logbooks, and DOT inspection books in your truck.
You must turn in all receipts for all job-related expenses. We strongly suggest that you keep a copy. Of all receipts for job-related expenses. Failure to provide a receipt may result in the company refusing to reimburse.
You are allowed two cash advances, up to $75.00, via Catchick during your time with Pamir Logistics Inc. These are typically given in the first couple of weeks, until you receive your first. Paycheck.
Casual Status is an option for drivers that want to work on their own schedule. As a casual driver, you work when you want but must make at least one trip each month. Benefits are not extended to casual drivers, as well as any current bonus programs.
If anything in your life changes, please communicate with your Route Manager/Driver Manager so we can complete a Driver Status Change. Things like addresses and phone numbers are most common.
If you want to bring a friend or family member along on a trip with you, you must complete a Passenger Authorization form. Get with your Route Manager/Driver Manager for details, limitations, and fees.
Any pet carried aboard a Pamir Logistic Inc truck must comply with the company’s pet policy.
Unauthorized use of company equipment is an issue we take very seriously. Any use of company Equipment outside of the normal scope of work and routing is subject to disciplinary action, up to and Including termination.
Safety Belt Use Is Mandatory! It is Pamir Logistic Inc policy that every operator and occupants of our equipment (leased, rented, or owned) must wear safety belts at all times.
Drivers must wear lap and shoulder belts when operating a motor vehicle. (FMCSR, Part 392.16)
Bunk restraint policy: For sleeper berths, occupant restraint systems installed by the manufacturer must be used, whether the system is at the entry point of the berth or Incorporated as a belt-type restraint within the berth itself when the vehicle is in motion.
Cell phone policy: Effective January 3, 2012, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations will prohibit the use of a hand-held mobile telephone by drivers operating commercial motor vehicles (“CMVs”). The rule prohibits the following actions while driving a CMV: Using at least one hand to hold a mobile telephone to conduct voice communication. Dialing or answering a handheld mobile telephone by pressing more than a single button. Reaching for a Mohave telephone in a manner that requires a driver to maneuver so that he or she is no longer in a seated driving position, restrained by a seat belt that is installed in accordance with federal regulations that has been adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Equipment Standards: We strive to keep our equipment in a good, clean working condition. We Expect that you will keep your assigned or substitute equipment in a good, clean working condition. Failure to do so is subject to disciplinary action, up to and Including termination.
Personal Belongings: Pamir Logistic Inc. will not be held responsible for any personal belongings. Left in the company equipment or on company property, for personal or professional use. This means that any personal belongings must be removed when the truck is parked or unattended, at any location. You are not required to remove personal property left in or on Pamir Logistic Inc property, but such property is left solely at the risk of its owner, not Pamir Logistic Inc. Personal hygiene: Because of the amount of personal interaction you will have on a daily basis, Unsatisfactory personal hygiene may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and Including termination.
Entire Agreement. This agreement, along with any attachments or addenda, represents the entire agreement between the parties. Therefore, this agreement supersedes any prior agreements, promises, conditions, or understandings between the employer and employee.
______________________________ Date ______________________________
Sami Zahid
Title: Manager
______________________________ Date _______________________________
Print Name
Safety Responsibilities
I, ( ) agree to below safety responsibilities and if I fail to comply with will be responsible. Dismissal of reckless driving will result in a result in a case charge and termination from the company.
Avoid driving while tired, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or distracted. They should also maintain a safe following distance, obey speed limits, and adjust their speed based on traffic, weather, and road conditions. Defensive driving is an important skill for truck drivers to have because they face many dangerous situations on the road.
Always keep a safe distance of seven to eight seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you, sInce large trucks require more stopping and following distance. In bad weather, Increase your distance to as much as 14 seconds or more.
Responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of vehicles. If they don't maintain their vehicle or drive negligently, I could be held responsible for any accidents that occur.
Planning routes helps stay safe, avoid stress, and comply with hours-of-service regulations. They should use maps or GPS to navigate and adhere to traffic laws and regulations.
Communicate with dispatchers and customers about delivery times, delays, and any issues that may arise.
Responsible for the stability of their cargo and may need to help load and unload it. They should know how to use ropes, tie-down straps, tarpaulins, and moving equipment to secure and move cargo.
Required by law to keep a logbook, usually electronic, to track how many hours they drive and when they take breaks.
Performing emergency repairs like patching tires when needed.
never texting or talking on the phone while driving. Being on the phone or texting distracts truck drivers and puts the lives of others at risk. Staying informed on the roads is essential, but drivers need to take care that telecommunications don’t take their attention away from the road.
No speeding: drivers must be under the speed limit for trucks all the time.
Drive 50% lower than the speed limit in rain, snow, ice, fog, sun, and other extreme weather conditions and follow and must follow all severe weather instructions. Weather and Road Conditions Awareness: Adjusting driving practices according to weather and road conditions is vital, as these can significantly impact a semi-truck's handling.
Pay attention while backing at pickup, delivery, truck stop, or anywhere else; make aware of the hazards.
Always drive 5 to 10 MPH lower than the speed limit downhill.
Make sure to do truck and trailer inspections before each load pickup.
Keep vehicles clean all the time.
Driver Name: ___________________ Signature: _________________ Date: _______________
I Agree. Before heading onto the road, drivers need to feel comfortable and confident operating their vehicles. The better equipped they are to face the challenges on the road, the safer they can be. Safety tips Included.
Agree if you fail to follow any above or below safety steps while driving, you will be responsible for any charge or injury. Pamir Logistic Inc will not be responsible for any unsafe driving charges.
Always wear a seat belt. Safety starts with wearing a seatbelt. It helps prevent injuries and fatalities should an accident happen.
Check blind spots: Vehicles in a truck’s blind spot aren’t immediately visible. Drivers must check their mirrors every 8–10 seconds.
Consider stopping distance: Leaving a distance of up to two football fields between the truck and the car in front gives drivers enough space to stop safely.
Make wide turns: A large truck needs more space and time to make a wide turn. Drivers should carefully slow down and signal in advance to safely make a wide turn.
Always signal: Truck drivers must signal well in advance to show their intent.
Plan ahead: Being prepared can help your drivers arrive safely. They can plan their trip by looking up the weather, road conditions, detours, and height and weight restrictions.
Remain calm: Other cars may cut off your driver on the road. It may be tempting to react, but road rage never solves anything. Encourage your drivers to stay calm and create distance between themselves and the angry driver.
Prepare for emergencies: Long-distance travel is unpredictable. Drivers may encounter bad weather, a breakdown, or road closures. Drivers can prepare for their trip with emergency kits, refreshments, an overnight bag with toiletries, and a change of clothes.
Do pre- and post-trip inspections. The FMCSA requires these inspections. To help protect the safety of your drivers, it is wise to enroll them in training to help them carry out these inspections thoroughly.
Driver Name: ____________________
Signature: _____________________
Date: ____________________